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Channeled Message From Lord Krishna


The channeled message from Lord Krishna is below:

Non-resistance is the key to getting through this week. It feels like a dark night for some, tower moment for others and small setback for the rest. These aspects bring out the remainder of the wounds that needs healing to stand in your full potential. There is are existential clearings happening for the human collective as there is much that needs releasing. ⠀

You will feel symptoms in the form of headaches, pain in the sacral area, neck pain, upset stomach, no appetite, digestive issues, dehydration, fatigue, no inclination to do work, stiffness, acne breakouts, dry or stinging eyes, excessive thirst and such. Keep in mind to take care of yourself and rest when necessary. ⠀

The upgrades are to quickly place you in higher timelines of ascension. As the worlds are splitting, the two worlds are prominent now. The changes are rapid. ⠀

Hold on to love and the person you were before the experiences of pain in life. You are going through a similar experience to heal the past. When you were a child, you saw the world differently. That world doesn’t seem like an option as an adult now. At least that’s what you think. I’m here to tell you that it is in fact possible because that’s who you were before fear took a place within you. ⠀

There is no better time to celebrate the real you than now. All the clearings are done to help you achieve this. Settling into it can be uncomfortable and awkward at first because this is the costume the external world and ego had designed for you. ⠀

Why wait anymore to remove that undesired garment? Adorn yourself with the light of your own heart. There is no better glory than being comfortable in your own skin. Step closer to embracing all of who you are wholly, fully and indefinitely for there is goodness within every inch of you. ⠀

This is the end of the channeled message from Lord Krishna.
